Yichen Wang, Ph.D. candidate
Klaus Advanced Computing Building 1305
Atlanta, GA 30332
School of Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology

Email: yichen.wang@gatech.edu


I am a fifth year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology. I work with Prof. Le Song and Prof. Hongyuan Zha. I received B.S. in Mathematics in the Mathematics Elite Program from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2013, under the supervision of Prof. Zongben Xu.

I interned at Microsoft Research working with Vasilis Syrgkanis and Matt Taddy on the Alice project on Economic AI. I designed models and learning algorithms to analyze the bidding behavior of advertisers in sponsored search auctions. I also interned at IBM Research working with Aditya Pal and Michelle Zhou. I designed algorithms to analyze users’ emotions, which have been used in the IBM Watson Personal Analytics Platform.

I am the recipient of the IBM PhD Fellowship 2017-2018.

[Google Scholar] [Curriculum Vitae]

Research Interests

My research focuses on machine learning models and scalable algorithms for statistical analysis of temporal dynamic processes from social networks and online media, which has big impacts on analyzing user behavior patterns, promoting user-engagement, and time-sensitive recommendations. Specifically, I study three aspects of the problem: (i) models and learning algorithms, (ii) inference and prediction algorithms, and (iii) stochastic optimal control and reinforcement learning algorithms.